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itt Arch0wl stops by


Author Topic: itt Arch0wl stops by  (Read 104330 times)

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Offline SprintGod

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2004, 07:12:11 pm »
PSO is both an RPG and an MMORPG, since playing online is entirely optional.

Arch0wl: Your posts are becoming exponentially more idiotic, as are the posts of certain members of this site. I suggest stopping before the stupidity amasses into a self-conscious being intent on becoming president of the USA. It's already happened once, but thankfully the damage hasn't been too severe.
If you don't want people to treat you like you're stupid, then your best defence is to not be stupid.

Offline Cyph

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #61 on: October 03, 2004, 07:22:53 pm »
Ok, why was Arch's girlfriend brought in to this idiotic arguement?

Your insults aren't funny.Pwned.
Hello last year, how has it been?

This thread is a failure. It's the aborted dyslexic paraplegic child of the interenet.

And whoever insulted FFR apparently can't respect the work it takes to create such a massive website. It's those poeple who think making games and shit is easy. Even if FFR isn't fun to you, it is still an incredible website that deserves respect for the work that has gone into it. Leave FFR out of this.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 07:34:48 pm by Cyph »

Offline Arch0wl

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2004, 08:00:11 pm »
PSO is both an RPG and an MMORPG

It's regarded moreso as a MMORPG.

This is all irrelevant though because in my post I said "A speed run of PSO is worthless anyway because that game involves no skill whatsoever"

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2004, 09:04:51 pm »
You said yourself you’ve only played a number of the games while Arch has played several. He’s not completely unknowledgeable on this subject, on the contrary. He knows what a step back is and what isn’t as far as this goes, really[/quote

i played all the gba sonics except Sadv3, And i've played alot of the GG ones too so that answers that.

Seek an English tutor.

Hell, as long as i get my point across it doesnt matter does it?

Reread what you wrote next. You basically told him why he doesn’t like them (i.e. bugs and glitches).

No, i remember him saying Sonic Adventure 1 was better then 2, so i was just argueing that point. SA is only better in terms of story, if anything.

If you don’t care then why didn’t you just leave the thread alone in the first place?

Because assholes like Arch piss me off.

Actually, I'm not even sure what we're argueing about anymore ^^;;;
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 09:06:44 pm by Bakaforever »
I am unknown...I am the underdog...Yet, I'll slowly blaze my own trail up the ranks. Good luck trying to keep up.

Offline Cybrax

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2004, 09:22:04 pm »
I have a penis

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2004, 09:30:17 pm »
:lmao: Ok..I do too. Last time i checked.
I am unknown...I am the underdog...Yet, I'll slowly blaze my own trail up the ranks. Good luck trying to keep up.

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2004, 10:17:37 pm »
...this is pointless now. I'm suprised many of you (on both sides of this) are going to such low levels of ignorance and stupididty.

Let's just stop, nobody's going to win because nobody's going to admit defeat.

The Sonic Center Side of this: Just quit posting comebacks. We're only asking for more trouble and more people are going to come that aren't intrested in competing on the site. If anybody from TSC signed up at Arch0wl's MB to post crap, please leave from there.

Arch0wl's MB side of this: If you aren't going to compete in TSC, please leave, especailly if you aren't intrested in Sonic the Hedgehog games. You've said what you wanted, and continution of this will be a bad MB war.

Now, let's try to end this. If anybody from either MB signed at the opposing MB, I'm requesting everyone to leave the other's board. that's all I'm asking from everybody.
Life data had been copied!
Kampfer presents Metal the Hedgehog V 4.1 Charmy Bee Edition
Version 4.1 Downloadable Here

Offline SadisticMystic

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #67 on: October 03, 2004, 10:29:29 pm »
I do have an account at Arch0wl's board

but it was created a while ago and has 0 posts

Offline Rolken

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #68 on: October 03, 2004, 10:45:05 pm »
Kampfer: If you don't like a topic, DON'T READ OR POST IN IT.

edit: and anyone else, really. Also the LOLOMGWTF URDUM garbage just makes y'all look like idiots, especially when you can't be derisive with proper English.

Not that this whole thread isn't retarded, but, hey.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2004, 10:49:34 pm by Rolken »
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #69 on: October 03, 2004, 11:01:59 pm »
Kampfer: If you don't like a topic, DON'T READ OR POST IN IT.
I'm just trying to end the pontless fighting, so sue me.
Life data had been copied!
Kampfer presents Metal the Hedgehog V 4.1 Charmy Bee Edition
Version 4.1 Downloadable Here

Offline Cybrax

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2004, 07:20:34 pm »
naaaahhh, dont stop posting this is fun, its way more entertaining, the site was starting to slip away from me again.

And as you know I supported the fight with Brian and Xebra too hehe.

whats wrong with fighting it gives you something to do?

Offline Bilan

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2004, 10:47:56 am »
..meh...bollocks to it, need to say this:

I could care less and you have a shitty recolored sonic sprite in your avatar

We could care less about you and your girlfriend so why in the name of Satans portion did you post them?

And as for the avatar, that was the first sprite I ever did, it took 10 seconds and I was bored.Piss.Off.

Your girlfriend has bad taste. (Guess)

Jesus, now the fucking world revolves around him.
Secondly, you or her probably just did that to attempt to one up me because if you plainly just showed it to her asking how attractive she thought I was chances are she would say something along the lines of, at worst "he's okay" but you probably did something along the lines of "how attractive do you think this guy is who's bashing me" and she probably showed it to her friends going "OMG look at this guy" and they all go "EEEWWW" because that's just how girls work. She also has you higher up on her level of what she thinks is attractive and when you get in a relationship your views of what is attractive change sometimes so there's also the possibility of you and I looking absolutely nothing alike. (Arsewank)

Actually no, she sometimes reads the forum out of boredom when were talking on MSN, she linked me to those pics protesting 'I found some ugly guy'. And she isn't the 'EEWWW' type actually, mainly 'cause I ask her to be honest and not lie around me. And as for not looking like you, I dont think I do and I certainly hope noone else thinks I fucking do.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Arch0wl

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #72 on: October 05, 2004, 02:16:43 pm »
i played all the gba sonics except Sadv3, And i've played alot of the GG ones too so that answers that.

Yeah but your opinion isn't really that worthwhile anyway though

Hell, as long as i get my point across it doesnt matter does it?

Yeah but you have pretty weak points. See the thing is I argue this because I find it funny, you argue it because you actually feel like you have some sort of merit to your argument. Like your amazing WEALTH of SONIC POWER will increase enormously by defeating me in an INTERNET BATTLE.

That and one of your site admins made a big deal over the most bullshit insignificant grammar error ever so hey.

No, i remember him saying Sonic Adventure 1 was better then 2, so i was just argueing that point. SA is only better in terms of story, if anything.

Sonic Adventure 1 was an excellent game. Okay first of all it had a much more solid feel to it, it had adventure fields which made it feel a lot more free and it had much more support. SA2 was pretty lackluster as it just seemed to improve on the core engine and that's it, and despite what you think that is not all that matters. That's like a Final Fantasy with just the battle system and you don't even wander around, you just select the monster you want to fight from a menu and level up based on that.

Because assholes like Arch piss me off.

That's good to know.

Pretentious anime dorks like yourself typically like to convey this fake persona that they're all HAPPY HAPPY ANIME SMILEY NOTHING CAN BRING ME DOWN shit. The levels of this vary but when you see a fat nerd cosplayer person spending FIVE DOLLARS for some fucking pretzel sticks is just ridiculous. Thankfully I've only seen this in videos and stayed away from anime conventions because of this type of reason but bemanicon may be different (which is aimed to get an audience of well, more normal people there with slight nerdy interests and less sweaty dorks with extremely nerdy interests)

Actually, I'm not even sure what we're argueing about anymore ^^;;;

OH LOL ME 2 DOMO ARIGATO SIR ^______________^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

We could care less about you and your girlfriend so why in the name of Satans portion did you post them?

And as for the avatar, that was the first sprite I ever did, it took 10 seconds and I was bored.Piss.Off.

I addressed the first part before in this topic I think so yeah

as for the sprite I don't care it's still shitty and you have no artistic talent with pixels obviously because you're still using it bye

Jesus, now the fucking world revolves around him.

No, she just has bad taste.

Actually no, she sometimes reads the forum out of boredom when were talking on MSN, she linked me to those pics protesting 'I found some ugly guy'.

So it is like that situation I described then. Had you posted your picture, Carly probably would've found you unattractive in the same respect.

Good job for proving me right.

And she isn't the 'EEWWW' type actually, mainly 'cause I ask her to be honest and not lie around me.

That's generally what you do with any girlfriend but then again some people have those weird disorders and like being lied to you know

Offline CosmicFalcon

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #73 on: October 05, 2004, 02:34:04 pm »
FYI low esteem is not a good character trait either and neither is antisocialism. If you have a big ego you have confidence. If you have a tiny ego you have little confidence. Unfortunately for guys there is usually little inbetween. Seeing as very little of you are probably women then this does not present a case.

Small ego =/= Low esteem.

You can have confidence without thinking you're the bestest, or just generally without giving yourself high status. As a matter of fact, I believe that a happy life should be lived with contentment; and arrogance is not a trait of that. Confidence in what you can do is not the same as thinking you can do everything.

Also, you were being antisocial first, so nyer. What goes around comes around. :P But hey, I'm not one to involve himself in conflict.
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Offline Bilan

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #74 on: October 05, 2004, 04:44:04 pm »
as for the sprite I don't care it's still shitty and you have no artistic talent with pixels obviously because you're still using it bye (Moron)

I couldn't fucking care less =)

Jesus, now the fucking world revolves around him. (me)

No, she just has bad taste. (Gimp)

*watches as the earth revolves into Twatface*...

So it is like that situation I described then. Had you posted your picture, Carly probably would've found you unattractive in the same respect.

No, you seem to be having trouble comprehending basic English. My girlfriend saw your pics without me even knowing she had, SHE then linked ME to those pics, completely unaware that I'd seen them already, commenting that she thought you were 'ugly'. And as for your girlfriend more than likely thinking I'm ugly, I dont give a fuck if people find me attractive, particulary girls fitting the description Rolko gave your girlfriend.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline F-Man

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2004, 06:26:51 pm »
(about furries)

Define most of us, like what 60% 75% 80% 90%?
I know only one furry here, and I don't actually hate him or anything, but being a furry is still stupid.

Sonic Adventure 1 was an excellent game. Okay first of all it had a much more solid feel to it, it had adventure fields which made it feel a lot more free and it had much more support.

Heh, yeah that's a pretty good reason why it is better. :D

Offline Cybrax

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #76 on: October 05, 2004, 07:52:54 pm »
question of the day.... What in the name of god is a furry?  Damn you peoples internet slang shit or whatever the hell it is, all i know is that is sounds pretty gay, and if you use it in a sentence you should shoot yourself.

Offline F-Man

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #77 on: October 05, 2004, 10:58:46 pm »
question of the day.... What in the name of god is a furry?  Damn you peoples internet slang shit or whatever the hell it is, all i know is that is sounds pretty gay, and if you use it in a sentence you should shoot yourself.
Uh, furries are that kind of thing that want to look like that kind of shit (and other animals too). Of course you can expect their name themselves to be gay.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2004, 10:59:34 pm by F-Man »

Offline Shadow Wedge

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #78 on: October 06, 2004, 10:33:18 am »
First, if this was supposed to be a videogame accomplishment thing, shouldn't it have gone in the topic for that? That's just, y'know, common forum sense that stuff goes in the topic made for it.

No, she just has bad taste.
And second, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't automatically mean that they are wrong; good and bad are determined in the eyes of the beholder... And the beheld.
<3 Sonic Rush, Sonic Riders, Sonic Rivals. Rolko-style encoding: StH JJ1 Tal+++! $++++ GM
Yes it's correct, that ! is there.

Offline Bilan

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #79 on: October 06, 2004, 11:23:41 am »
And on another point, about Arse0wls user thanks, I'd rather not....what you do with your dog in your spare time is your own business, disturbing and should be illegal.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline Cybrax

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #80 on: October 06, 2004, 04:22:51 pm »
Uh, furries are that kind of thing that want to look like that kind of shit (and other animals too). Of course you can expect their name themselves to be gay.

X fucking D, How the hell would arch0wl even know of these people, in fact how would anyone?  

And people dont seriously do they?

Offline Rolken

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #81 on: October 06, 2004, 11:59:24 pm »
That's the least of it, man.
StH JJ1 WkS+ Sal++^i Rbk++i Knu- McS+++ P++ D[af]opw $++++ E03 A24 GM CoUT
What fun is it being cool if you can't wear a sombrero?

Offline Arch0wl

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #82 on: October 07, 2004, 12:37:13 am »
I couldn't fucking care less =)

Then why did you defend it in the first place? I love how you placed a random insulting word at the end of every one of my quotes since you can't respond to anything of mine decently in the least. WOW ARSE0WL THAT IS INNOVATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL YOU ARE THE FUCKING WITTIEST CREATIVE INDIVIDUAL I HAVE EVER MET

No, you seem to be having trouble comprehending basic English. My girlfriend saw your pics without me even knowing she had, SHE then linked ME to those pics, completely unaware that I'd seen them already, commenting that she thought you were 'ugly'.

You missed my point, even though you attempt to put my understanding of the English language at fault. Did she see them by viewing my post or not? Because you neglected to mention that. If she saw it by viewing my post, then yes, I am still right. If you attempt to degrade my appearance and yet do not care about your own, then that makes your argument even moreso invalid. Good job assclown.

And second, just because someone disagrees with you doesn't automatically mean that they are wrong;

Yes it does.

Offline SadisticMystic

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #83 on: October 07, 2004, 12:40:31 am »
Go beat Eternal Engine m1 in SA2 in under 3 minutes.

Otherwise, shut up.

Offline Bilan

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #84 on: October 07, 2004, 11:11:15 am »
Just 'cause someone disagrees with you doesn't mean there wrong, if you say 'There are 25 hours in a day' (Which I wouldn't put it past someone with an IQ thats a single digit), if they say 'No, there are 24 hours in a day', then they aren't wrong are they you bloody areshole? Your opinions aren't to be worshipped, nor are you God, so please just fuck off and dont come back =P

So what if my gf saw your pics on the forum? I didn't link her to them, meaning she was giving me her honest opinion, not the complete bollocks your trying to tell me.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline SadisticMystic

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #85 on: October 07, 2004, 11:40:03 am »
There exists a day containing 25 hours.

There also exists a day containing 24 hours.


Offline Bilan

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #86 on: October 07, 2004, 03:30:28 pm »

Shifting Time Zones does NOT count, I was referring to simply staying in the same place for 24 hours as a 'day'.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline SadisticMystic

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #87 on: October 07, 2004, 03:59:02 pm »
Am I the only one for whom this topic still fits on one page?

Offline General Throatstomper

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itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #88 on: October 07, 2004, 05:23:09 pm »
This is quite obviously a case of 1 small incident getting blown way out of proportion, until it escalated into a full fledge flame war. Not that I particularly agree in Arch0wls opinions (in a video game accomplishment thread, posting a picture of yourself is fairly off-topic and narcicistic), but this is just stupid. It's like shooting somebody for stealing a television. It's a drastic measure for something that, although still wrong, is not a good course of action.
   That having been said, you should not stereotype a particular demographic, because there are also sub-demographics within that group. Then, within that sub-demographic, there are even smaller factions, and within those factions are indiduals, all with different ideas and opinions. In a way, social groups are just something for people to put a face on and mock. Stereotyping Sonic fans simply because we enjoy many of the games is like mocking someone for liking a certain book, or a certain TV program. Sure, they enjoy that show, but they aren't necessarily like another who enjoys that same show. And even if they do have similair beliefs, they don't necessarily interpret the same topic in a similair fashion. So, the messages conveyed by others on this site aren't those of everybody. Also, being notorious as he is for bad grammar and spelling, you really can't fault sonichero for his mistakes. Some people just don't accell in learning English grammar, but are brilliant in other ways. Albert Einstein was average in nearly every subject outside of physics and math, but he dreamed up things that may not have been discovered without him.
   Getting back on topic, the sterotypes for Sonic fans are:
1)We're furries
2)We love anime
3)We're all fat nerds who are below the age of 15
4)We're antisocial, have no friends, and tend to be psychotic.
Now, to prove some of these wrong:
1)These idiots who go around posting "RoUGE b00bs omg liek click here" really give people who like the games a bad reputation. The hentai freaks are generally (not always) the idiots that post over and over and over, making it seem as though its the general opinion of that board/forum.
2)Well, this is generally true, I admit. Personally, I dislike anime, but it doesn't mean I go around hating people just because they like anime. I look deeper than that.
3)Meh....not to sure about this one, age and weight are generally not mentioned on the internet. People tend to avoid these kinds of details. I can only speak for myself here, but Iam below 15 (I'm actually 13 years old). However, I am not overweight. If anything, I'm underweight (80 lbs.).
4)Definitely not true. People go here in their spare time;we don't live on the web, prowling the boards. We have friends, and do things not associated with the internet. In terms of being mentally unstable, that too will vary from person to person. It's not like everybody on this site is a pill-popper, though some may be.
  To deal with some other issues, looks are not the most important thing in society. Intelligence surely trumps good looks, and I'll stand by that statement. You consider your insults witty, and think that you're running circles around our arguements, but it all depends on the eyes of the beholder. Somebody from your forum may think that you're super-intelligent, and that the people on are a bunch of idiots with a computer and internet connection. Somebody here may consider you an arrogant fool, whos ego is higher than Jimmy Hendricks in the prime of his career. In terms of you experiencing all the Sonic games, many of us here have played all the Genesis, Game Gear, and Dreamcast/Gamecube games.Some people have played all of these plus the Neogeo Pocket games. Meaning, that arguing who has more experience with Sonic games is frivilous. Finally, having a large group of people with poor ideals is not better than having a small group of people with strong morals. Just look at Nazi Germany. Large group, bad morals. Then you have the resistance of people who worked against the Germans to get the Jewish into other countries, relatively free of Nazis. Small group, good morals. Not that I'm saying your forum is a sadistic group of humans bent on creating 1 super race, with generic features, nobody truly standing out.
 However, you do have a legitimate accomplishment that is truly remarkable. You did that on the spot (at least I think DDR chooses random keys/directions, maybe there is a pre-set order, but it still is an awesome video), using just pure skill and reflexes, making it all the more impressive. But, what you overlook, is that Time/Score attacking is also difficult. You have to calculate several minor factors that could screw you up. Pressing a button 1 millisecond to early or late can make the difference of 3-4 seconds. It takes meticulous planning to get a record, and its a very tedious trying to execute the given path. Its entirely different from DDR, which relies soly on reflex, timing, and button mashing. You can't possibly compare the 2 games-they're far too different. Not that the video you posted isn't impressive. Quite the contrary, it was one of the best gameplay movies I've ever seen. In closing, both sides should stop arguing and close the damn topic.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 05:36:46 pm by blueblaze »


Offline F-Man

itt Arch0wl stops by
« Reply #89 on: October 07, 2004, 05:34:05 pm »

Now THAT's hard-trying. But still, everything that was said there is true.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 05:34:32 pm by F-Man »


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